Announcement: 2020 User Survey Now Open!

November 2020   
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Our 2020 User Survey is now open and we would love to hear your feedback on Tabs3 Software and your experiences with support!   Read More...

As of June 15, 2021, Software Technology, LLC will no longer provide support for Version 18 of Tabs3 Software.   Read More...

The IRS is changing the layout of Form 1099-MISC for the 2020 tax year. Additionally, Form 1099-NEC is being added to replace Box 7 on Form 1099-MISC.   Read More...

As of October 31, 2019, Software Technology, LLC will no longer provide support for Version 17 of Tabs3 Software.   Read More...

As of October 31, 2019, Software Technology, LLC will no longer provide support for Version 17 of Tabs3 Software.   Read More...

We are looking for firms to provide early feedback on Tabs3 Version 2020.   Read More...