Version 2024 has some great new features to check out!   Read More...

Filtering is a powerful feature that lets you see only certain records, allowing you to trim your lists down to find information more easily. There are multiple ways to filter lists in Tabs3 Billing and PracticeMaster.   Read More...

Tabs3 Cloud is a cloud-based legal billing and financial software solution designed specifically for the way today’s fast-paced, multifaceted law firms operate. It includes all the benefits of the Platinum edition of our Tabs3 Billing and Financials software so you can manage your time, billing, and finances more effectively.   Read More...

Did you know that you can apply payments to multiple matters for the same client? Payments can be allocated by statement date, proportionally, or manually.   Read More...

With 2023 coming to a close, year-end tasks are also swiftly approaching. Get a jump on 2024 by reviewing the recommended year-end procedures!   Read More...

The Tabs3 Billing Matter Manager acts as a central hub for matter-related information and activities in Tabs3 Billing. The Matter Manager allows you to view relevant information for each matter at a glance, perform common tasks, and run reports.   Read More...