I'm sending out email statements to my clients, but I also need to include a cost schedule from a vendor showing their charges. How can I attach an additional file to my email statements? Read More...
We have matters for which we only want to charge up to a set amount or set a limit for the total hours worked. Is there a way for Tabs3 Billing to notify us if we will exceed these limits? Read More...
We wrote off an amount for a client that contained fees, costs, and tax amounts. How can we see how the write off applied? Read More...
We've been reviewing our billing categories and noticed that a few of them are redundant. Is there a way to combine these categories and their associated matters? Read More...
Can I add explanatory notes to my fees that will be shown on draft statements but not final statements? Read More...
We are starting to use the Email Statements feature but want to protect our client's sensitive information. Is there a way to add more security to the statements that are sent? Read More...