Did you know that PracticeMaster has a new dashboard in Version 19? The dashboard makes it easy to see your calendar for the day, your upcoming tasks, and a quick recap of the time you entered.
My Calendar
The Calendar widget shows a list of your upcoming events, along with a calendar that can be used to pick a different date. Mouse over an upcoming event to see more details, or click it to open the calendar record for editing. You can quickly add an item and open the full calendar.
My Tasks
The My Tasks widget shows all of your incomplete tasks broken up into sections by due date. This makes it easy to see what needs to be done first.
Recap of Hours
The Recap of Hours widget shows your hours worked compared to your daily target hours. This makes it easy to see the status of your worked hours, including any unprocessed timer records.
Note: The Home page must be selected in the PracticeMaster Theme Settings (View | Theme Settings | Home Page) to view the dashboard.
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