Is there an easy way to provide a discount to a client without directly adjusting my fees or entering a credit? Read More...
For the new year, we are updating our billing to be a minimum of a quarter-hour. Can we configure the PracticeMaster Timer to round to these values? Read More...
Integration with LexShare, a secure file sharing and electronic document signing service, has been enhanced in the most recent version of PracticeMaster. Read More...
As of June 1, 2023, the Tabs3 Support Team will no longer provide support for Version 19 of Tabs3 Software. Read More...
Are there additional notes that you want to add to statements for one or more clients? There are multiple areas in Tabs3 Billing to enter notes that can then be shown on statements for a single client, a group of clients, or all clients. Read More...
Want to know if Platinum is right for your firm? Try out Tabs3 Platinum risk free for 30 days! Read More...
Being able to access information about your client’s fees, costs, and payments in one report can be helpful for running your law firm. Tabs3 Billing has just the report you need for your firm to succeed! Read More...
Did you know that PracticeMaster integrates with several third-party programs such as Microsoft Outlook and Word? Read More...