PracticeMaster Q&A: Link to Website

September 2022    Tags: ,

Many of our meetings take place on Zoom (or another online meeting service). Is there a way to place a link in the Calendar File and make it clickable?

Link text in the Comments field of the Calendar File (or any other Memo type field) will be clickable if it is in the correct format. Include the full URL, starting with “http:”, “https:”, or “www.” with the link text.

Alternatively, you can add a Web Page type field to the Calendar File to store these links. This field type allows you to add a clickable link to the calendar.

To add a Web Page field to the Calendar File

  1. In the Quick Launch, search for and select “File Maintenance.”
  2. Expand System Files, select Calendar, and then click OK.
  3. On the Field tab, click the  (New) icon and enter a Field ID (e.g., “ZOOM”).
  4. Select a field type of Web Page.
  5. Enter a Field Name (e.g., “Zoom Link”).
  6. Select any additional options needed, and then click Done.

You can now add the new field to the Calendar file via Form Designer. Form Designer can be accessed while on the List tab of any file via Edit | Form Designer.

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