Spotlight: Automate Your To-Do List with WorkFlows

February 2020    Tags: , ,

Every time you open a new matter, what other tasks do you need accomplished? Many items on your to-do list are likely predictable and repetitive. There are people to email, documents to collect, records to update, and the list goes on. Although PracticeMaster can’t do everything on your to-do list, WorkFlows automate many tasks so that you can spend more of your time on the things that need your personal attention.

PracticeMaster WorkFlows react to tasks or activities and start a chain of events that you define in advance. For example, every time you schedule a client meeting, you can use a WorkFlow to assemble an email to the client with meeting details and directions to your office.

You can use WorkFlows to help make sure your office procedures are always followed. For example, if it is your policy that internal meetings are not billed to a client, set up a WorkFlow that will display a popup message when an employee converts an internal meeting to a fee: “You have billed for an internal meeting. Please confirm this is correct.”

WorkFlows can help you keep clients and colleagues informed. When an important milestone in a matter is reached, such as a deposition or court date is set, a WorkFlow can make sure you email all staff and clients involved to let them know. It can also schedule the next calendar milestone, update fields in a file, such as date last contacted or a change to the status, and more. If you use PracticeMaster Platinum, WorkFlows can also send eNotes (with linked PracticeMaster records) around the office to keep everyone on the same page.

WorkFlows are highly customizable and nearly limitless. Each WorkFlow can launch up to 10 activities, including adding or changing records, processing calendar plan templates, running reports, starting a backup, and more. WorkFlows can also create the scenario(s) that will launch additional WorkFlows. WorkFlows can be automatic, with or without confirming that the WorkFlow will launch. You also have the option to set up a user activated WorkFlow that launches when you manually activate it.

Other examples of WorkFlows:

  • Update the last contact date for a client every time you add information to their journal.
  • Assemble a client welcome letter when a new client is added.
  • Launch a conflict of interest search every time you add a contact.
  • Generate CalendarRules – new in Version 2020!

For more information and ideas on WorkFlows that you can use in your office (including instructions for setting them up), check out article R11307, “All About WorkFlows,” in our Knowledge Base.

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