You know that you can access clients via Tabs3 Connect, but did you know you have access to all fields in the PracticeMaster Client file and links to quickly send an e-mail, make a phone call, or create a fee?
After logging in to, tap the (Client) icon to open the Clients page and see recently accessed clients. You can tap the All button to see a full list of clients.
From the Clients page, tap the client’s e-mail hyperlink to start an e-mail, tap the (Fee) icon to enter a fee for the client, or tap the client to open more information in the View Client page.
From the View Client page, you can see the Client ID, Client Name, Work Desc, Address, Contact Name, Phone Numbers, E-mail Address, and Misc Description fields 1-3. Tap the contact hyperlink to view more information on the contact, tap a phone number to make a phone call, tap the e-mail hyperlink to start an e-mail, or tap the (Fee) icon to enter a fee for the client. Want to see more information about the client? Tap the All Fields button to see everything from the Client file in PracticeMaster.
For more information on Tabs3 Connect, contact your reseller and consultant, contact Technical Support at (402) 419-2210, or visit Knowledge Base Article R11480, “All About Tabs3 Connect.”
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