We are starting to use the Email Statements feature but want to protect our client's sensitive information. Is there a way to add more security to the statements that are sent? Read More...
How can I change the terminology used in the trust section of my statements? Read More...
You can now schedule a future-dated payment or series of payments from within Tabs3 Billing and a future-dated trust deposit or series of trust deposits from within Trust Accounting that will automatically process via Tabs3Pay. Read More...
Did you know that you can select multiple ranges of clients when running reports or generating Statements? Read More...
Is there an easy way to provide a discount to a client without directly adjusting my fees or entering a credit? Read More...
Are there additional notes that you want to add to statements for one or more clients? There are multiple areas in Tabs3 Billing to enter notes that can then be shown on statements for a single client, a group of clients, or all clients. Read More...
Being able to access information about your client’s fees, costs, and payments in one report can be helpful for running your law firm. Tabs3 Billing has just the report you need for your firm to succeed! Read More...
I'd like to see a list of the top 20 clients for hours worked in 2022. Is there a report for that? Read More...