You can now map fields in Tabs3 CRM intake forms to fields in PracticeMaster Area of Practice (AOP) files. This allows you to create multiple AOP records from a single intake form for information such as witnesses to an accident or beneficiaries on a will.   Read More...

If your firm needs to more efficiently and effectively track leads, grow prospects, and gain clients, a Client Relationship Management tool like Tabs3 CRM is the solution!   Read More...

Feature Article: Tabs3 CRM

July 2023    Tags: ,
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We’ve added Tabs3 CRM! Tabs3 CRM (client relationship management) is a new add-on service that will help law firms build their business by tracking and managing potential client leads, and bringing them into PracticeMaster once they are a client.   Read More...

Version 2023 has some great new features to check out!   Read More...