Did you know that you can do more with Entry Lists than see current work-in-process transactions? The Fee, Cost, Payment, and Client Funds Entry Lists can be printed, filtered, and set to include archived records.   Read More...

Billing Q&A: Flat Fee Billing

November 2023    Tags: , ,
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We have a client we need to bill a fixed fee amount every month, but we still need to keep track of our hours and productivity. Does Tabs3 Billing have a solution for this?   Read More...

Is it possible to change the order in which fees appear on a statement?   Read More...

Do you have a new pro bono client, or need to enter a fee or cost at no charge for a regular client? Clients and transactions can be marked as non-billable so that you can still track your time without charging your client.   Read More...

There are several ways you might handle billing for a contingency case, but in the end you must adjust the amount owed based on the outcome. So what options does Tabs3 Billing provide?   Read More...

In Tabs3 Billing, PracticeMaster, and Tabs3 Connect, the Recap of Hours contains a graph that provides billable and non-billable hours and amounts at-a-glance, with the added ability to also see unprocessed time in PracticeMaster.   Read More...