Spotlight: Flat Fee Billing

March 2022    Tags: , ,
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Do you make manual adjustments for flat fee clients when you’re ready to bill them? If so, you may be making billing more difficult than it needs to be. Tabs3 Billing provides a way to streamline billing for flat fee clients.   Read More...

Version 2022 has some great new features to check out!   Read More...

You meet up with a client away from the office, they want to write a check for what they owe, but you don’t have the balance due with you. What do you do? Simply log into Tabs3 Connect, and have the amount in a matter of seconds!   Read More...

Spotlight: Process Timer Records

November 2021    Tags: , , ,
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With PracticeMaster, you can use timers to track the time you spend on research, planning, correspondence, and more. However, if you don’t turn timers into fees, you may be missing out on valuable time that can be billed to your clients.   Read More...

We added a new way to view clients, contacts, fees, costs, payments, client funds, and write offs without having to run a report!   Read More...

If you need to report on fees, costs, or payments, the Transaction File List or Task Code Billing Report is your answer.   Read More...

When it comes to maximizing your billable hours, it’s important to have a reliable timer feature that allows you to easily convert your time into fees.   Read More...

When a timekeeper’s rate changes, it can be tricky to make sure that all fees are entered correctly before and after the change. Tabs3 takes the stress out by providing the ability to change rates automatically based on the date of the fee.   Read More...