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Month: February 2023

The difference between Timekeepers and Users is often confused. So what exactly is the distinction between how timekeepers and users are used in the software?   Read More...

Ethics are an integral part of any business, but in the field of law they are especially important. Tabs3 Software works to ensure that your firm has the tools to maintain ethical walls in order to protect your clients and cases.   Read More...

As of June 1, 2023, the Tabs3 Support Team will no longer provide support for Version 19 of Tabs3 Software.   Read More...

In Tabs3 Billing, PracticeMaster, and Tabs3 Connect, the Recap of Hours contains a graph that provides billable and non-billable hours and amounts at-a-glance, with the added ability to also see unprocessed time in PracticeMaster.   Read More...

Tabs3 Connect: Access Log

February 2023    Tags: , , ,
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Do you want to keep track of who is logging in and out of Tabs3 Connect, who is getting locked out due to failed login attempts, or who is downloading documents and attachments?   Read More...

Quick Tip: Organizing the Quick Clicks Pane

February 2023    Tags:
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There are several ways you can organize items in the Quick Clicks pane. You can drag items around to rearrange the order in which they appear, hide items you don’t use, and create folders into which you can then drag Quick Clicks items.   Read More...