Firm information can change for many reasons, such as when you move, add partners, or the firm splits. Updating the software with your new information is important so that your firm is accurately represented on statements, checks, and more. Informing Tabs3 Software is also important so that information regarding changes to the software reaches you in a timely manner.
The main changes to firm information are made in System Configuration; however, other changes may also be necessary depending on your use of the software and are outlined below.
System Configuration
You can change your firm’s name, address, phone, website, and Federal ID # in System Configuration’s Firm Information window (File | Open | Firm). Changes to the firm’s name, address, Federal ID #, or phone will prompt you to print and send us a form with the changes. This is so that we can update our records.
Making changes to the Firm Information will automatically change the following information in the software:
Note: When a change to the firm name is made in the Platinum edition, all users must exit the Tabs3 Software before the change will apply to the Tabs3 Software report headings or Trust checks to your firm.
Tabs3 Billing
The following changes to statement information may need to be made in Tabs3 Billing for changes to your firm’s information.
General Ledger (GL)
In GL, the Client Name field in the Edit GLS Client utility (In the Quick Launch, search for and select “Edit GLS Client”) prints as a heading on all GL reports.
Tabs3 Remote
In Tabs3 Remote, the firm name is saved in Customization (Utilities | Customization) and is printed as a heading on all Tabs3 Remote reports.
If your firm information changes, make sure you update all of the necessary areas to help make the transition smooth.