KB Corner: Comparing Tabs3 Report Information

December 2017    Tags: ,
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It’s common to want to compare report information, but not all reports in Tabs3 can be compared. A field on one report may be calculated one way, while on another report it is calculated another way. For example, on one report payments may be calculated based on transaction date, while on another report they are calculated by allocation date. So how do you know which reports can be compared?   Read More...

You run an Accounts Receivable Report only to see clients or figures you weren’t expecting. Other reports, such as a Client Ledger Report, may show a client owes you a different amount or nothing at all, but Accounts Receivable tells a different story. Why is this, and how can you fix the issue?   Read More...

When you have multiple active matters, combining matters creates a single statement file. Including a cover statement makes it easy for a client to see what they owe for each matter at a glance.   Read More...

You might be interested to learn how you can get the most out of PracticeMaster. If you already use PracticeMaster, maybe you want to know how you can make PracticeMaster faster. Or maybe you’ve been wondering how to prevent check fraud or if you should start accepting credit cards.   Read More...

When adding multiple calendar records, should you use Calendar Plan Templates or Recurring Dates? Both are great ways to create multiple records at once, but each option has distinct differences between them.   Read More...