KB Corner: Credit Card Refund Best Practices

July 2016    Tags: , , , , , , ,

When you need to refund or reverse credit card payments, you want to be able to do it with the least amount of hassle. Tabs3 Billing and Trust Accounting Software (TAS) are designed to automatically issue a ProPay refund or reversal when appropriate.

Knowledge Base Article R11708, “Credit Card Refund Best Practices,” provides information on how ProPay handles credit card reversals and provides processes for reversing, refunding, or deleting credit card payments or transactions in Tabs3 Billing and TAS.

Be sure to check out this article so that you are using the recommended methods to refund or reverse ProPay credit card payments.

Our Knowledge Base can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at support.Tabs3.com.  You can also access our Knowledge Base while in the software by selecting Help | Internet Resources | Knowledge Base.

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