Thinking about accepting credit cards? Join us to learn more about the benefits of accepting credit cards through ProPay. Read More...
Many law firms are moving to the subscription-based Microsoft Office 365, which can be conveniently accessed via your computer, the Internet, and smart devices. With Office 365, you never have to worry about paying an additional fee for the newest version – Office 365 is always up to date. Read More...
Did you know that you can change your Tabs3 and PracticeMaster workspace by specifying whether toolbars are shown or not, and where they are positioned if they are shown? These options can increase the available workspace horizontally, vertically, or both. Read More...
In the 2016 National Law Journal Survey, over 7,000 votes were cast by lawyers, paralegals, and other legal market professionals. Tabs3 Billing placed first in the Best Time & Billing Software category, with PracticeMaster placing second in the Docketing & Calendaring Software category, and third in the Matter Management Software category. Read More...
Did you know that you can easily split fees and costs between multiple matters in Tabs3 Billing? The Split Billing program provides the ability to enter fees and costs once, but have multiple matters pay for them. Read More...
Did you know that you can drag files other than those generated via Tabs3 and PracticeMaster software into the DropBox? This can really come in handy when you are e-mailing multiple files of mixed origins to clients, co-workers, or other third parties; when you want to save related items together in a mutual location; and more. Read More...