Tabs3 Connect allows you to work away from the office, while your data stays at the office. Read More...
When creating a WorkFlow, I’m not always sure what I should select for Event Type. How do I know what to choose? Read More...
Keeping clients secure in a law firm is part of maintaining ethical walls. Read More...
You might be interested to learn how you can get the most out of PracticeMaster. If you already use PracticeMaster, maybe you want to know how you can make PracticeMaster faster. Or maybe you’ve been wondering how to prevent check fraud or if you should start accepting credit cards. Read More...
Everyone can view your public calendar records, but did you know that you can control who has rights to edit your public calendar records and who has rights to browse or edit your private records? Read More...
We want a calendar record automatically created every time we open a new Criminal Law client. The calendar record should remind us that in two days we need to request a copy of the arrest affidavit and bond information for the client. Is there an easy way to do this? Read More...