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We’re excited to announce our new integration partner, CalendarRules! offers general civil litigation-related court and agency Rule Sets for State, Federal, Appellate and Bankruptcy courts across the United States.  Currently, rules are available in all 50 states, with additional courts being added every month.   Read More...

Aderant, the company who makes CompuLaw Rules, has informed us that they are not planning on updating or supporting CompuLaw Rules that currently integrate with PracticeMaster after December 31, 2016.   Read More...

It’s after hours and you’ve run into some trouble printing. Something doesn’t look right, it’s printing off the page, or you need to make just a few tweaks to finish your project. However, you’re not sure what to do. What do you do? Check out the Knowledge Base, of course!   Read More...

Over the next few months, we will go through some of the best features of our new online newsletter format. This month, we’re going to talk about our newest feature – finding related articles.   Read More...

Tabs3 version 18 has been released, and update notifications have been sent to all eligible users! There are many great new features in Version 18!   Read More...

You may already know that you can securely download PracticeMaster linked files and e-mail attachments onto your Internet-enabled device through Tabs3 Connect, but you may not realize the full potential.   Read More...