Spotlight: Tabs3 Accounts Payable

May 2024    Tags: , , , , ,

Tabs3 Accounts Payable Software (AP) makes paying bills easier. You can print checks, track vendors, generate forms 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC, run reports and check registers, and more!

AP lets you write checks to saved vendors as well as vendors that are not individually tracked in the software. For monthly payments, set up recurring entries to create multiple invoices in one step. Writing a check by hand? Enter a manual check that will show up in your check register.

Tracking vendors is a snap. In addition to name and address, you can save information for frequently used vendors such as the Federal ID number, forms 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC information, vendor discount information, and more! Month-to-date, year-to-date, and to-date paid figures for each vendor are also tracked for easy reference.

AP integrates with Tabs3 Billing and Tabs3 General Ledger (GL) to bring things together. Costs can integrate with Tabs3 Billing when adding, changing, or deleting an invoice or manual check. When integrating with GL, journal entries are automatically created when checks are posted, and voided checks will create reversing journal entries.

AP also provides many reports that can be run to determine activity in the software, including a Check Register, Pre-Check Register, Cash Requirements Report, Aged Unpaid Invoice Report, Vendor Analysis, and lists for vendors, bank accounts, recurring entries, and voided checks.

Contact your Tabs3 consultant, or contact our Sales Department at (402) 419-2200 for pricing and information.

Note: Tabs3 works exclusively with Nelco to provide you with checks guaranteed to work with Tabs3 Software.

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