KB Corner: Using the Tabs3 Connect App

May 2024    Tags: ,

Tabs3 Connect can now be installed as an app from tabs3connect.com and runs seamlessly on any device. As part of these improvements, the timer has been moved to the new control toolbar at the bottom of the application. While scrolling in Tabs3 Connect, this toolbar is temporarily hidden, but is shown again when scrolling back up or transitioning to a new window.

Knowledge Base Article R11958, “Using the Tabs3 Connect App,” provides steps to install Tabs3 Connect as an app and frequently asked questions.

For steps to install Tabs3 Connect, as well as additional information, see KB Article R11480, “All About Tabs3 Connect.”

Our Knowledge Base can be accessed at support.Tabs3.com. You can also access our Knowledge Base in the Quick Launch by searching for and selecting “Knowledge Base.”

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