Do you often find yourself clicking No when prompted to make a backup in Tabs3 Software? If so, is it because you don’t have time to wait for a backup to complete, or because other people are currently working and they don’t have the time to log out and wait?
The HotBackup feature in Tabs3 Platinum Software alleviates the issue of making everyone log out because your data is backed up while others continue working in the software. Additionally, thanks to Platinum’s Transaction Processing feature and server processing capabilities, you are prompted to back up less often, and backups are completed in significantly less time.
HotBackup provides the ability to schedule backups throughout the day. Backups can be set up to run at a specific time on weekdays, every day, or on specific days. This means there will always be a recent restore point if the need arises, and less data (if any) to reenter. You can configure automatic notifications so that once a scheduled HotBackup has been run, an email will be sent to a designated recipient upon completion or failure of the HotBackup. This gives you added security of always knowing that the existing HotBackups are solid. You can select multiple email addresses for messages to be sent to, select whether a message is sent if the HotBackup succeeds or fails, and even customize the message as desired.
The standard built-in Back Up Data Files program is limited to storing a maximum of three backups with a maximum of 2GB in size for each backup. However, with HotBackup, you can store up to 198 backups, and the only size limitation is the amount of free space on your hard drive. You can select how many backups you want to keep at any given time, and you can even choose where you want your HotBackups stored!
It is important to note that the built-in backup in the Tabs3 Software only back up data files. They do not back up program files, nor do they back up every file in the Tabs3 Current Working Directory. You will need to use a third-party backup to back up the Current Working Directory for the purpose of recovering from a catastrophic failure, such as fire, flood, theft, server hard drive failure, etc.
Having viable data backups is important in any business. Stop daring fate by clicking No when prompted for a backup.
For more information on backing up the data, check out Knowledge Base Articles R11193, HotBackup Overview,” and R11213, “Backup Strategy.” For more information about Platinum features, see Knowledge Base Article R11379, “Platinum Overview.” If you have any questions regarding Platinum features, contact your Tabs3 Software consultant, or contact Technical Support at (402) 419-2210.
It is important to have a good backup of your data. To ensure that the data from your backup routine is good, you should periodically test your backup system. We recommend that you schedule and perform the testing of your third-party backup procedure periodically throughout the year.
Knowledge Base Article R10456, “Testing Your Backup System,” provides information on different ways to test your backup, including step-by-step instructions to test restoring both a single file and an entire directory, and how to compare restored files using the FC command.
Do you want to be able to back up data throughout the day, helping to ensure you always have a viable backup that requires less reentry of data? HotBackup, a Platinum feature, provides the ability to back up data while users are working! HotBackups can be scheduled, or can be run on demand.
Our Knowledge Base can be accessed at You can also access our Knowledge Base while in the software by selecting Help | Internet Resources | Knowledge Base.
You’ve heard about Platinum, but haven’t had time to look into it yet. Now you wonder if your firm should take action now, before it’s too late. You’ve heard the horror stories whispered around the water cooler; you try to shake off the cold chill as you walk back to your desk – is that just air conditioning, or premonition? The following stories wend their way through your thoughts for the rest of the day…
Your boss tells you that not only has the server crashed, but the external backup has been failing recently. He wants you to restore the internal backup of the Tabs3 and PracticeMaster software. You start to tremble. Time is money, so when prompted to make a backup you always click No, because you don’t want to interrupt workflow by having everyone exit the software. You close your eyes in dread; there is no internal backup…
It’s nearing the end of a dark and stormy Friday before a long holiday weekend. You start to update statements, skipping the backup because you want to wrap things up so you can leave. The lights flicker and your computer reboots as a loud clap of thunder makes you jump. You open Tabs3 Billing again, but when trying to work in the software, you receive a message that a backup needs to be restored due to the Update Statements program being interrupted. Your pulse leaps, knowing that some of the attorneys will probably come in to work this weekend. Now they can’t use the software until the data has been restored…
The phone rings. You answer it, only for your breath to catch in your throat – an attorney needs a report for her meeting in 5 minutes, but that report takes more than 20 minutes to run. There’s no way to get her the information she needs in time…
It’s midnight, but you can’t sleep with the full moon lighting your room. You’re out of town and away from the office with the current case weighing heavily on you. You get up to check your e-mail and do some research since you’re awake anyway, and discover information that will change your entire case strategy. Your client’s case hangs in the balance; you must compare the new information to what’s saved in PracticeMaster, but it’s late and you can’t access it remotely. A dog howls outside. The hair on the back of your neck raises as you pace the floor. Finally, you grab the phone to wake the managing partner…
Someone received an error in the software, and you need to run a Data File Integrity Check. Unfortunately, several of the employees are away from their desks. You don’t have the password for their computers, nor the time to go to each one, and you know resetting users is bad. You need to make sure the data is fine before the attorneys come back from lunch. You begin to sweat, jumping at shadows as you expect someone to come in at any time demanding answers…
In addition to all of these features, Platinum also provides eNotes, accelerated filtering and column sorting, the Platinum Exchange Connector, an Accounts Receivable by Timekeeper Report, and enhancements to the Detail Accounts Receivable Report. For more information on all of the Platinum features, see Knowledge Base Article R11379, “Platinum Overview.”
Don’t succumb to terror. For information on a 30-day trial offer, to get a price quote, or to order Platinum, contact your local reseller, consultant, or our Sales Department at (402) 419-2200!
Backing up your firm’s data is the most important form of maintenance you can do, but many firms overlook this task. Backup prompts from within the software are skipped, and external backups are not regularly tested to verify they are working as expected. Often, this is simply due to not understanding the process.
You may have quite a few questions about backups:
All of these topics and more can be found in Knowledge Base Article R11524, “Backup/ Restore Information Resources.” This article provides a complete list of links to articles with information and processes for backing up and restoring your data.
Don’t overlook how your firm is backing up data until it’s too late and you have to restore. Make sure you are on top of maintaining your data.
Our Knowledge Base can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at support.Tabs3. com. You can also access our Knowledge Base while in the software by selecting Help | Internet Resources | Knowledge Base.
Do you know how to restore from an incremental backup? Make sure you are familiar with the process of restoring before you need to do it. Incremental backups work by backing up the full dataset, and then only backing up those files that have changed from then on. This means that if you need to restore, you cannot just restore to yesterday’s incremental backup because that is only one piece of the picture. The files in Tabs3 and PracticeMaster are all connected. If only some of the files are restored, then information is missing from other files and errors can occur in the software. Instead, if a restore is necessary, you must first restore the last full backup and then restore every incremental backup in order. For more information on how your backup system works, and if it is the right system for you, talk to your IT professional.