When you have multiple active matters, combining matters creates a single statement file. Including a cover statement makes it easy for a client to see what they owe for each matter at a glance. Read More...
Keeping clients secure in a law firm is part of maintaining ethical walls. Read More...
We want a calendar record automatically created every time we open a new Criminal Law client. The calendar record should remind us that in two days we need to request a copy of the arrest affidavit and bond information for the client. Is there an easy way to do this? Read More...
Do you know who your top clients are? Run the Top Client Report to see how your clients or matters measure up in hours worked, amounts billed, amounts paid, current amount due, and more! Read More...
From time to time, you may need to reduce a client’s outstanding balance, but how can this be accomplished? Read More...
You know that you can access clients via Tabs3 Connect, but did you know you have access to all fields in the PracticeMaster Client file and links to quickly send an e-mail, make a phone call, or create a fee? Read More...
When you have a client with multiple matters, what do you do when the client sends in a single check to cover all matters? Read More...
Do you want to start charging sales tax, but don’t know where to start? Sales tax must first be enabled in Tabs3 Billing Customization. You can then optionally set up specific transaction codes and/or clients to automatically include sales tax when billed. You can also specify sales tax on an individual transaction. So how do you set all of this up? Read More...