You may already be set up to synchronize your calendar and contacts between PracticeMaster and Microsoft Outlook via your Exchange server, but using the Platinum Exchange Connector has so many more great benefits!   Read More...

The Platinum version of Tabs3 and PracticeMaster software provides a multitude of benefits when working with reports. If reporting is important to your firm, take a look at the following reasons to upgrade now!   Read More...

Do you have a question about the software? Any questions that you want to ask have likely been asked by others as well.   Read More...

Effective immediately, we have reduced the monthly subscription plan rates for our Platinum SQL levels of Tabs3 and PracticeMaster software by 20%.   Read More...

Want to know if Platinum is right for your firm? Try out the Tabs3 and PracticeMaster Platinum software risk free for 30 days! This offer allows you to use all of the Platinum features with your own data for 30 days before determining whether Platinum will be a permanent upgrade.   Read More...

System Configuration isn’t a program you work in everyday like Tabs3 Billing, but is geared toward setting up certain features of the software. So what settings are controlled in System Configuration, and how do you access it?   Read More...