Did you know that you can create separate tab groups in the Tabs3 software? Tab groups provide the ability to show two or more Tabs3 windows at the same time. This is especially handy when it’s necessary to compare data.   Read More...

Wondering what all the fuss is over the new look of Version 19, but don’t have time to read up on it? It takes less than two minutes to watch it in action.   Read More...

You may have already heard that Version 19 has been released, but you might have a few questions prior to updating, or while using the new version for the first time.   Read More...

Video of the Month: Pre-Bill Tracking

December 2018    Tags: , ,
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Do you struggle with keeping track of where all of your pre-bills are at in the review process? Pre-Bill tracking makes it easy to track the progress of your billing cycle.   Read More...

Have you ever wanted to change the size of the windows, menus, page tabs, lists, and messages in the software? How about changing the font face and size on your PracticeMaster forms? Version 19 introduces a new, larger default font in the software and allows you more control over font via new customization options.   Read More...

Working with a lot of data can be time consuming. However, PracticeMaster makes it easy by allowing you to restrict the records shown based on criteria you specify using filters. This powerful feature allows you to deal with just those records that apply to your situation.   Read More...