There are several ways to customize the heading for your statements. Read More...
As more law firms switch to paperless environments, emailing statements can be a great solution for reducing your office paper needs while adding convenience for your clients! Read More...
How do you install the Tabs3 Software to a new user’s computer? What files are installed? How and when is the software updated on each user’s computer? Read More...
Ethics are an integral part of any business, but in the field of law they are especially important. Tabs3 Software works to ensure that your firm has the tools to maintain ethical walls in order to protect your clients and cases. Read More...
Verification lists are optional and can make it easy to confirm what activities have been done by whom in the software. Read More...
With tax season just around the corner, Tabs3 E-file is here to help simplify your 1099 submission process! Read More...
You already know how important it is to check for conflicts of interest in your practice. You are probably already using PracticeMaster’s Conflict of Interest Search, but are you taking full advantage of all of the features? Read More...
Being able to access information about your client’s fees, costs, and payments in one report can be helpful for running your law firm. Tabs3 Billing has just the report you need for your firm to succeed! Read More...