Did you know that there are several ways of filtering your reports and statements so that you only see the data you want to see?   Read More...

When you need to send a statement to two different parties, what do you do? With Tabs3 Billing, you can automatically generate a duplicate statement by adding an Additional Bill To Address.   Read More...

You have a special font you downloaded for your firm to use for statements and reports. Although you print some statements and reports, you also e-mail PDFs of statements and reports to certain clients and third parties. However, did you know that that if the e-mail recipient doesn’t have that font installed, the font will be replaced by a different one?   Read More...

Do you need a report that shows one or more clients’ billing histories, as well as a way to track the client’s balances due? Look no further than the Client Ledger Report!   Read More...

Quick Tip: Printing Envelopes

February 2018    Tags: , ,
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Did you know that envelopes can automatically be printed for each statement generated using the client’s Bill To address?   Read More...

During a typical monthly billing cycle, many steps are performed that lead to the production of statements. Once statements have been produced in their final form and sent to clients, do you follow the recommended steps to close the month in Tabs3?   Read More...