If you accept credit cards, do you have a credit card form on the statements you send to your clients? Many clients prefer to pay by credit card, and if there isn’t an easy way to do so, you may not be getting paid as quickly as you could be. Read More...
Did you know that you can customize your Statement Templates to define how fees, costs, and payments are displayed on your statement and to determine whether billing history, transaction recaps, and more are included? Read More...
You may be using the default statements that came with the software, but did you know that there are many ways to customize statements? Read More...
When you have multiple active matters, combining matters creates a single statement file. Including a cover statement makes it easy for a client to see what they owe for each matter at a glance. Read More...
Do you want a way to streamline trust payments to Tabs3 Billing? Trust Accounting Software (TAS) provides the ability to automatically draw funds from a trust account when final statements are generated in Tabs3. Read More...
We recommend updating statements on a regular basis, but why is that? What does the Update Statements program actually do? Read More...
From time to time, you may need to reduce a client’s outstanding balance, but how can this be accomplished? Read More...
Are there additional notes that you want to add to statements for one or more clients? There are multiple areas in Tabs3 Billing to enter notes that can then be shown on statements for a single client, a group of clients, or all clients. Read More...