Is it time to review billing rates? The Client Rate Report allows you print a list of clients, along with their default billing rates. Read More...
You have a special font you downloaded for your firm to use for statements and reports. Although you print some statements and reports, you also e-mail PDFs of statements and reports to certain clients and third parties. However, did you know that that if the e-mail recipient doesn’t have that font installed, the font will be replaced by a different one? Read More...
Did you know that envelopes can automatically be printed for each statement generated using the client’s Bill To address? Read More...
Did you know that we release enhancements to the software on a regular basis? Enhancements can range from fixing issues we have found to adding new functionality that helps make the software work better. Although we don’t typically announce these changes, you can quickly and easily check to see if there are any new updates available from within the software. Read More...
Occasionally, transactions may accidentally be entered for the wrong client. If there are only a couple, it’s easy to just delete them and reenter them for the correct client. However, when there are many transactions, what can you do? Use the Transfer A/R and Transactions utility in Tabs3! Read More...
System Configuration isn’t a program you work in everyday like Tabs3 Billing, but is geared toward setting up certain features of the software. So what settings are controlled in System Configuration, and how do you access it? Read More...