Feature Article: Statement Designer

July 2015    Tags: ,

Have you ever wondered how to make your statements stand out to clients? Have you wanted to add additional fields to your statements? You can do both by using Statement Designer! Statement Designer enables you to design custom letterhead, cover letters, statements, invoices, and envelopes.

With Statement Designer (Statements | Statement Setup | Statement Designer), you can edit one of the Sample leftpanesLayouts included with the software or create your own. On the left-hand side of the window there are two sections; the Layout Tree pane shows the layouts currently available, while the Field Selection pane shows the fields that are available to add to a layout.

When a layout is selected, the Page Layout pane is available on the right-hand side. This is where you can design rightpaneyour statement layout. Simply double-click a field from the Field Selection pane, and it will appear in the page layout. From here, you can move the field to the appropriate place, resize the field, or right-click the field and select Properties to change properties such as font face, font size, color, rich text attributes, and more.

Once you have changed or created a Statement Designer layout, you will need to associate the layout to a Statement Template (Statements | Statement Setup | Statement Templates). Simply select the Template you want to change, or create a new one, and edit the Layouts tab. The template can now be assigned to a client by opening the Client file, clicking the Statement Options tab, and selecting a Draft Template or Final Template.

To enable Statement Designer when printing statements, from the File menu, select Print Setup. Click the Statement Setup button. On the right-hand side, select the Enable Statement Designer Layouts check box and click OK. Now when you print a statement for the client(s) whose statement template is associated with a statement designer layout, you will see your new statement layout!

For more information on customizing the sample layouts included with the software, see Knowledge Base Article R10901, “Customizing the Sample Page Layouts Provided with the Tabs3 Statement Designer.”

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