Often, the most common source of unbilled costs are the everyday tasks done in your office. Photocopies, faxes, phone calls, and many other tasks can easily be overlooked when entering costs for a client. Simple cost recovery methods can reclaim these expenses as needed. Many manufacturers offer devices that collect information and create an export file, which can be used in Tabs3 Billing.
The Tabs3 Device Interface software takes the export files from most collection devices and converts them into costs that can be imported to Tabs3 Billing. Additionally, it allows you to customize import settings so any standard text file can be converted, even if it is not already configured in the conversion program. This means it is very likely that you can import your task information, regardless of the device’s manufacturer.
To see if the Tabs3 Device Interface will work for you, or to order a license of the Tabs3 Device Interface for your firm, contact your local consultant or call our Sales Department at (402) 419-2200. Information about the Tabs3 Device Interface can also be found in our Knowledge Base Article R10737, “Tabs3 Device Interface Product Information,” and in R11684, “Tabs3 Device Interface Instructions.”