Version 2024 has some great new features to check out!
Tabs3 Platinum Software Highlights
Tabs3 Billing Highlights
PracticeMaster Highlights
Tabs3 Trust Accounting Highlights
Tabs3 Accounts Payable Highlights
Tabs3 Taskbill
For in-depth information on all of the new Version 2024 features, including screenshots, refer to Knowledge Base Article R11947, “Version 2024 Introduction to New Features.” A list with links to all Version 2024 information can be found in R11949, “Version 2024 Information and Resources.”
To download Version 2024, check for updates via the Quick Launch by searching for and selecting “Check for Updates” or via the Help | Check for Updates menu option, or contact your local consultant.
Taskbill is used to export Tabs3 Billing information for electronic submission. Many companies require firms to submit billed fees and costs in a specific format for online electronic billing. Taskbill makes this simple by exporting your existing Tabs3 Billing data into over 100 different predetermined file formats and subformats including LEDES 1998B, Legalgard Parsed Format, LitigationAdvisor, and TyMetrix.
Taskbill also provides flexibility! Information required by some electronic formats is not found in normal Tabs3 Billing fields. You can, however, set up Taskbill to use general text fields such as Custom Fields, Client Notes, and Miscellaneous Lines that are already in Tabs3 Billing to store this information. Exporting the data is as easy as selecting the format you have set up, selecting a client or range of clients, and selecting the statement date. The exported file can then be sent electronically!
To see if Taskbill will work for you, or to purchase a license for your firm, contact your local consultant, or call our Sales Department at (402) 419-2200. Information about Taskbill is also provided in Knowledge Base Article R10435, “Tabs3 Taskbill Product Information.”
Do you use Taskbill to send electronic bills? You may have noticed that while many companies accept the LEDES 1998B format, they often require specific modifications in order to accept your bills. Over the years, numerous LEDES 1998B subformats have been created for Tabs3 to help firms get their eBills formatted correctly, but it is often difficult to determine which subformat is needed for a particular situation.
To help firms find the correct LEDES 1998B subformat for their situation, we are pleased to announce Knowledge Base Article R11769, “LEDES 1998B Subformat Information for Taskbill.” This article provides detailed information on the LEDES 1998B format, the fields it contains, and how those fields are modified by the numerous subformats.
For those of you who are not familiar with Taskbill, you can read more about it in R10435, “Tabs3 Taskbill Product Information.” If you submit bills electronically, but don’t have Taskbill, take a look at what Taskbill can do for you!
Our Knowledge Base can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at You can also access our Knowledge Base while in the software by selecting Help | Internet Resources | Knowledge Base.
You just accepted a client who requires that you start using Task Codes. What needs to be set up, and how does Task Based Billing work? Throw in Taskbill, which may be required if a third party will process the bills, and you may not know where to begin or how it all fits together.
The Task Based Billing and Taskbill Training Video walks you through setting up a client for Task Based Billing, setting up Task Budgets, entering fees and costs, and an example of what a statement may look like. Additionally, this video walks you through the process of using Taskbill, including configuration and exporting.
Get a jump start on Task Based Billing. Watch this 10-minute video here:
Training Videos can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at You can also access Training Videos while in the software by selecting Help | Documentation and then clicking the See also link for Tabs3 and PracticeMaster Training Videos.