Did you know that you can quickly and easily change certain fields for a range of transactions that have not been billed yet? Change WIP Transactions (In the Quick Launch, search for and select “Change WIP Transactions”) provides the ability to make changes to many transactions at once instead of spending hours making changes transaction by transaction.
Change WIP Transactions can be run for all of the same ranges you can run reports and statements; the Client and Transactions tabs are the same. This helps narrow down the range of transactions you want to change. The following options can be changed using this process:
Some of the most common reasons for using Change WIP Transactions include when a timekeeper has changed their rates and transactions were entered with the old rate, changing transactions from a print to hold status (or vice versa), and converting tcodes to task codes when an existing client becomes a task based billing client.
The next time you find yourself needing to change a large number of transactions, stay on schedule by using Change WIP Transactions.
Tip: Due to the number of records that could be changed using this process, we highly recommend backing up your data before running Change WIP Transactions.
A new Separate PDF for each Sort option has been added to the Sort tab of both Generate Statements (Statements | Generate Statements) and the Detail Work-in-Process Report (Reports | Work-In-Process | Detail Work-in-Process Report). When this option is selected, matters are grouped into separate PDFs based on the specified sort criteria. For example, if you choose to sort by primary timekeeper, all of the matters with timekeeper 1 assigned as their Primary Timekeeper will be included in a single PDF, timekeeper 2 in a separate PDF, etc. This feature is intended to help firms that distribute their pre-bills electronically by allowing them to send a single PDF to each timekeeper that only includes the matters that are relevant to that timekeeper.
Note: The Separate PDF for each Sort option only applies when you select DropBox or File (with a file type or PDF selected) as your output method.
Work-in-process reports can provide valuable insight into what can be billed to a client, as well as what will be owed once billed. These Reports provide detailed information about work-in-process transactions, along with client-related information.
The Detail Work-In-Process Report is one of the most customizable reports in Tabs3. You can set it up to include only the transaction details that you need to see, and you can even control which columns print on the report. The Detail Work-In-Process Report provides access to all of the unbilled transactions for your clients and can be used as a pre-bill to assist with billing decisions prior to generating final statements.
The Summary Work-In-Process Report provides a quick summary of clients’ status for reviewing previous balance and payment/credit information in addition to how much each client would owe if all work-in-process were billed today.
The Detail and Summary Work-In-Process Reports video walks you through the different options for each report, and shows you an example of what each report looks like. Information on the generated reports is also provided.
Watch this nine-minute video here:
Training Videos can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at Tabs3.com/videos. You can also access Training Videos while in the software by selecting Help | Documentation and then clicking the See also link for Tabs3 and PracticeMaster Training Videos.