When you have multiple active matters, combining matters creates a single statement file. Including a cover statement makes it easy for a client to see what they owe for each matter at a glance.   Read More...

It has officially been one year since we launched the online newsletter! Over the last year we have made many improvements based on your feedback and published many articles that we hope have been helpful in using Tabs3 Software.   Read More...

Do you want a way to streamline trust payments to Tabs3 Billing? Trust Accounting Software (TAS) provides the ability to automatically draw funds from a trust account when final statements are generated in Tabs3.   Read More...

Do you have trouble tracking how much a client owes you? Do you find it's difficult to determine when you last followed up with them regarding their overdue balance?   Read More...

Every so often we debut new features to help improve how you use this online newsletter format. We’re excited to debut our new ratings system!   Read More...