Tabs3 Connect: Tabs3 Connect Resources

December 2023    Tags: , , ,

Just getting started with Tabs3 Connect, or simply want additional information? There are several resources to provide you with all of the tools you need to know about Tabs3 Connect!

Quick Guide

At only eleven pages, the Tabs3 Connect Quick Guide is a quick but essential read when you want to know how to use Tabs3 Connect. The Tabs3 Connect Quick Guide provides information on getting started, logging in to Tabs3 Connect, the difference between the full site and phone site, accessing and entering data, and logging out. The Tabs3 Connect Quick Guide can be accessed via Knowledge Base Article R11500, “Tabs3 Connect Quick Guide.”

Knowledge Base

In addition to the Tabs3 Connect Quick Guide, the Knowledge Base also provides the following articles about Tabs3 Connect:

  • R11480, “All About Tabs3 Connect,” provides an overview of Tabs3 Connect features as well as information on how to access it.
  • R11613, “Tabs3 Connect FAQ,” provides answers to frequently asked questions.
  • R11762, “Troubleshooting Tabs3 Connect,” provides troubleshooting information for Tabs3 Connect.

For more information on Tabs3 Connect, contact your Tabs3 Software consultant, call Support at (402) 419-2210, or visit Knowledge Base Article R11480, “All About Tabs3 Connect.”

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