People rely on their credit cards more and more to pay for things like clothes, medical procedures, and legal services. Read More...
Fees can occasionally be entered in an order that may be confusing on a statement. For example, when the statement is printed out, it might look like you reviewed a document before writing the first draft! In Version 19, you can use the Reorder Fees utility to change the order in which fees with the same date are displayed on a single statement. Read More...
If you’ve updated to Version 19, then you’re familiar with the new look. But did you know that you can customize it? Read More...
Did you know that you can see who is currently logged into the software? Read More...
Did you know that you can write off all or a portion of a client's accounts receivable balance? When a write off is performed using the Write Off Client program, a special write off record is created and stored in the client ledger file for audit trail purposes and adjustments are made to receipt allocation records. Read More...
Creating report definitions for each of the reports your firm runs can help save considerable time, and taking advantage of Report Suites in Tabs3 saves even more time. When your firm prints the same set of reports every year, quarter, month, week, or semi-regularly, report suites offer a one-step option to printing out a predefined set of reports using the report definitions you already have set up. Read More...