KB Corner: Access Rights

June 2024    Tags:

Access profiles are created in System Configuration and are used to assign rights to the various software applications, features, and functions. An access profile defines exactly which functions in Tabs3 Billing, PracticeMaster, Trust, AP, and GL are available to any user who is assigned to that access profile. Once an Access Profile has been defined, it can then be associated with the individual users who will then have those collective rights. A predefined access profile called “Manager” is automatically created and cannot be modified or deleted. Any user who is assigned to the Manager access profile has all rights to everything. A manager can print a detailed Access Profile List in System Configuration that indicates the rights that have been assigned to individual Access Profiles. Each access profile can be shown with its corresponding Yes or No value.

Knowledge Base Article R11818, “Access Rights,” lists which access rights are available for access profiles in the software.

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