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People rely on their credit cards more and more to pay for things like clothes, medical procedures, and legal services.   Read More...

I normally only create PracticeMaster records for a single matter per Outlook email, but occasionally an email will apply to more than one matter. However, when I try to journal the email a second time, it opens the original journal record instead. Is there a way I can journal a single email to multiple matters?   Read More...

We redesigned the Recap of Hours for Version 19, and included it on the new PracticeMaster Dashboard. Want to see how you can take advantage of this great feature?   Read More...

We added a couple of new features to the Print Checks process in Version 19!   Read More...

Did you know that PracticeMaster has a new dashboard in Version 19? The dashboard makes it easy to see your calendar for the day, your upcoming tasks, and a quick recap of the time you entered.   Read More...

Did you know that if you use ProPay to process credit cards in Tabs3, you can now send a link to your clients so they can make a payment without you needing to get their credit card information? Once the payment is made by your client, you can then import those payment records into Tabs3 Billing.   Read More...