When working in General Ledger Software (GLS), your accounts do not typically change much once they have been established. Because of this, it’s easy to forget the ins and outs of making changes to the chart of accounts. Read More...
Whenever we add new clients, we always add the contact record first, during their consult. Is there a way to assign the “Client” Contact Category to a contact record every time a client is added? Read More...
Matter mode is a special status for the address on the Address tab of the Client file that allows the address to be used for that matter only and not be shared by other matters for the same client. But what does this mean, and when should you use Matter Mode? Read More...
System Configuration isn’t a program you work in everyday like Tabs3 Billing, but is geared toward setting up certain features of the software. So what settings are controlled in System Configuration, and how do you access it? Read More...
Do you want a way to scroll through each file and quickly see the key contents of each record? The SnapShot provides a concise picture of the data contained in individual records using an easy to view format in a single location. Read More...
We have a new employee starting and we need to add her to hundreds of existing Calendar entries. Is there an easy way to accomplish this so that I don’t have to open each calendar record and edit them individually? Read More...
Most offices have standard hourly billing rates that they charge clients. Of course, there are also those special client whose rates differ from the standard rates, but what options are there for customizing rates? Read More...
When entering fees and costs for task based billing clients, do you have to scroll through all of the Phase/Task or Activity Codes for other categories to get to the set of task codes applicable for your client? If you use Billing Categories for your clients, you can assign categories to your Task Code Sets so that when entering fees and costs, only the task codes that are associated with that client’s Billing Category are displayed. Read More...