Have you ever wanted to change the size of the windows, menus, page tabs, lists, and messages in the software? How about changing the font face and size on your PracticeMaster forms? Version 19 introduces a new, larger default font in the software and allows you more control over font via new customization options. Read More...
We wanted you to know that our family of products has grown – we recently acquired CosmoLex! Read More...
I've created several custom fields in my Calendar and Contact files (e.g., Docket No.). Is there a way I can get the new fields to sync over to Outlook? Read More...
Working with a lot of data can be time consuming. However, PracticeMaster makes it easy by allowing you to restrict the records shown based on criteria you specify using filters. This powerful feature allows you to deal with just those records that apply to your situation. Read More...
Did you know that you can press Ctrl+Shift+F to open the Fee file and Ctrl+M to open the Matter Manager or Client Manager? Most people are aware of standard keystrokes, such as Ctrl+S to Save, Ctrl+C to Copy, Ctrl+V to Paste, etc. However, there are many more shortcuts to help save time in Tabs3 and PracticeMaster without your hands leaving the keyboard! Read More...
I know that I can synchronize only my PracticeMaster contacts with Outlook by specifying a User Filter via the Outlook Synchronization Settings. However, is there a way I can add my User ID into the User/Group field of all the contact records for my clients all at once? Read More...