Platinum: Microsoft 365 Exchange Connector

March 2022    Tags: , , ,

We added a brand new synchronization option for the Microsoft 365 Exchange Connector. This new feature is specifically designed to simplify the setup and improve the reliability when synchronizing with Exchange Online / Microsoft 365. This new synchronization option provides the following advantages:

  • PracticeMaster (via the Exchange Connector) integrates directly with the Exchange Online server:
    • Outlook does not need to be present on the file server or even the workstation in order to synchronize events, tasks, or contacts with PracticeMaster.
    • Changes made in the web-based Outlook 365 will be synchronized automatically to PracticeMaster.
  • Once enabled, the Exchange Connector has full rights to all of the accounts on the Exchange Online server (including future accounts) for the purposes of synchronizing records.
  • Since the Exchange Connector has rights to edit all users’ accounts, calendar entries made for other users in PracticeMaster are synchronized automatically instead of waiting for the next periodic synchronization.
  • Periodic synchronization occurs at the server, thereby reducing network traffic.
  • The Exchange Connector performs a single periodic synchronization for all users, ensuring that everyone is up-to-date.

Additionally, using the Exchange Connector with an Exchange Online / Microsoft 365 server provides the following advantages over other types of Exchange servers:

  • There is no need to configure a separate Windows user or mailbox for the Exchange Connector.
  • Outlook does not need to be installed at the file server.
  • Changes made to calendar records in Tabs3 Connect are automatically synchronized to the Exchange server instead of waiting for the next periodic synchronization.
  • Event, task, and contact information entered in the web browser version of Outlook 365 is automatically synchronized to PracticeMaster.

For more information on the Microsoft 365 Exchange Online, see Knowledge Base R11898, “Configuring the PracticeMaster Platinum Exchange Connector for Exchange Online / Microsoft 365.” For more information about Platinum features, see Knowledge Base Article R11379, “Platinum Overview.” If you have any questions regarding Platinum features, contact your local consultant, or call Technical Support at (402) 419-2210.

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