Quick Tip: Bypassing the User ID Prompt

May 2023    Tags:

Did you know that you can specify the User ID as a startup option for Tabs3 software? Once implemented, when double-clicking your desktop shortcut, the User ID will already be filled in, leaving only the password to be entered.

  1. Right-click the desktop icon used to start the Tabs3 Software application and select Properties.
  2. From the Properties window, click the Shortcut tab.
  3. The startup option can be entered following the program file name in the Target field. An example of the Target field when using the User ID startup option is:”C:\Program Files\Tabs3\TABS.EXE” ALICE
  4. Click OK.

For a list of other startup options available, open the desired Tabs3 Software application (e.g., Tabs3 Billing, PracticeMaster, etc.) and enter “Startup Options” on the Index tab. For more information on automating tasks, including using startup options, refer to Knowledge Base Article R11034, “Automating Tabs3 Software Maintenance Tasks.”

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