Platinum: HotBackup

March 2023    Tags: , ,
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Do you often find yourself clicking No when prompted to make a backup in Tabs3 Software? If so, is it because you don’t have time to wait for a backup to complete, or because other people are currently working and they don’t have the time to log out and wait? The HotBackup feature in Tabs3 Platinum Software alleviates the issue of making everyone log out because your data is backed up while others continue working in the software.   Read More...

Want to know if Platinum is right for your firm? Try out Tabs3 Platinum risk free for 30 days!   Read More...

Want to know if Platinum is right for your firm? Try out the Tabs3 and PracticeMaster Platinum software risk free for 30 days! This offer allows you to use all of the Platinum features with your own data for 30 days before determining whether Platinum will be a permanent upgrade.   Read More...

You’ve heard about Platinum, but haven’t had time to look into it yet. Now you wonder if your firm should take action now, before it’s too late. You’ve heard the horror stories whispered around the water cooler; you try to shake off the cold chill as you walk back to your desk – is that just air conditioning, or premonition? The following stories wend their way through your thoughts for the rest of the day…   Read More...