We added a new way to view clients, contacts, fees, costs, payments, client funds, and write offs without having to run a report!   Read More...

If you need to report on fees, costs, or payments, the Transaction File List or Task Code Billing Report is your answer.   Read More...

Version 2021 has some great new features we know you’ll want right away!   Read More...

Quick Tip: Viewing Payment Information

January 2021    Tags: ,
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Did you know that you can now drill down to all payments (including archived payment) in Tabs3 Billing Version 2021?   Read More...

Beginning with Version 2020, Tabs3 Billing and Trust Accounting Software (TAS) supports integration with LawPay for electronic processing of payments, client funds deposits, and trust deposits.   Read More...

We are looking for firms to provide early feedback on Tabs3 Version 2020.   Read More...

We are looking for firms to provide early feedback on Tabs3 Version 2020.   Read More...

Do you want to get paid faster? Get paid quickly and securely by providing an online payment option to your clients!   Read More...

Did you know that if you use ProPay to process credit cards in Tabs3, you can now send a link to your clients so they can make a payment without you needing to get their credit card information? Once the payment is made by your client, you can then import those payment records into Tabs3 Billing.   Read More...