In a law firm, there can be an overwhelming amount of information to keep track of and work with – case information, contact information, upcoming meetings, research, emails, and documents galore. PracticeMaster can help make you more organized than you’ve ever been before. PracticeMaster provides the tools you need to manage it all.
Calendar – View not just your calendar, but all appointments for everyone in your office. View appointments for a specific client or matter, an employee, or view appointments based on any information in the calendar record such as date, calendar code, and location.
Contacts – Don’t just search your list of contacts; see all the contacts for any matter at a glance, and every matter in which a particular contact is involved.
Document Management – Tell PracticeMaster how you want to name and sort your documents, and then let PracticeMaster do it for you! Quickly see all documents for a case, or different versions of the same kind of documents across all your cases.
Matter Manager – Tie everything for a matter together in one place: calendar records, contacts, email, meeting notes, documents, billing summary, and more!
Conflict of Interest – Determine any potential conflicts by searching files, documents, email attachments, and contacts for key words. Optionally limit results to certain files, and more.
Timers – Use timers to track your time, phone tasks, and research. Switch between timers as needed, and then process timer records into fees!
Filtering – Add filters to your files so that you can easily see only those records that you want to see.
QuickViews – QuickViews combine a filter, column layout, and sort option into a tab at the top of the List tab of any file, which allows you to quickly switch your view depending on the records you are working with. Add Smart tabs to provide an additional level of record sorting.
Integration – Integrate calendar records and contacts with Outlook. Install the PracticeMaster toolbar in Microsoft Outlook, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint; Adobe Reader or Acrobat; Corel WordPerfect; and Ricoh ScanSnap to save documents and research to PracticeMaster, or to create journal entries, calendar entries, or fees from within the other software. Integrate with Tabs3 CRM, LexShare, NetDocuments, and CalendarRules.
Areas of Practice – Areas of Practice provide a way to save separate information for different types of matters, without having the clutter of everything all in one file or set of files.
Report Writer – Create custom reports using the data stored in PracticeMaster.
WorkFlows – Help automate your workload by creating WorkFlows to automatically start tasks or notify other users based on specified events.
Document Assembly – Help automate form letters by creating document templates that pull information from any file in PracticeMaster. Once created, simply select the client and the template, and it does the rest.
For more information about PracticeMaster features or to purchase a license of PracticeMaster, contact your local consultant, or contact our Sales Department at (402) 419-2200.
What are expressions, and how can your firm use them to improve your day-to-day activities? An expression is a set of criteria you define that tells the software what records to display, and in some cases, how to display it. Filters are the most common expressions, but expressions can also be used in Report Writer reports, WorkFlows, Word Document Assembly, and Outlook Synchronization.
So how can you learn more about expressions? Knowledge Base Article R11493, “All About Expressions,” provides the basics on expressions by breaking information down to explain what expressions are, where they’re used, and common terminology associated with them. This article also shows you how to create both simple and advanced expressions, provides filter examples, and has tips for making the most of filter expressions. To go one step further, for a list of more than 60 filter expression examples, including the file and scenario in which it would be used, visit Knowledge Base Article R11515, “Filter Expression Examples.” Take a little time to check out these resources so you can put this powerful feature to work for you and your firm!
Our Knowledge Base can be accessed at You can also access our Knowledge Base in the Quick Launch by searching for and selecting “Knowledge Base.”
Are you interested in creating PracticeMaster reports using the Report Writer, but not sure where to start? Take a look at Knowledge Base Article R11446, “Working with PracticeMaster Report Writer!”
This article walks you through the process of creating a Report Writer report, including planning the report, creating a basic report using the Report Wizard, editing the report using the Report Writer Editor, and optimizing your report. A list of common situations is also provided to help fine tune your report, as well as some troubleshooting scenarios.
Our Knowledge Base can be accessed at You can also access our Knowledge Base while in the software by selecting Help | Internet Resources | Knowledge Base.
PracticeMaster’s Report Writer is a powerful report creation utility, which allows you to pull information from any record in PracticeMaster and format the output as needed. This allows you to create virtually any report you need out of the system.
The Custom Report Writer training video walks you through creating a Client List that sorts clients by the city where the client is located. Additionally, this video will take a brief look at some of the other Report Writer options including report creation using the Report Writer Editor.
Watch this six-and-a-half-minute video here:
Training Videos can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at You can also access Training Videos while in the software by selecting Help | Documentation and then clicking the See also link for Tabs3 and PracticeMaster Training Videos.