Is there a way to customize which reports are available from the Tabs3 Billing Matter Manager?   Read More...

We have accounts we no longer use that still show on the Balance Sheet or Income Statement. Is there a way to prevent these accounts from being shown on these reports?   Read More...

Did you know that you can choose whether or not to print the initials of the user who runs a report on the left side of the footer?   Read More...

Do you have a new pro bono client, or need to enter a fee or cost at no charge for a regular client? Clients and transactions can be marked as non-billable so that you can still track your time without charging your client.   Read More...

The Platinum edition of Tabs3 Software provides a multitude of benefits when working with reports. If reporting is important to your firm, take a look at the following reasons to upgrade now!   Read More...

When I run my Balance Sheet Report, I see that some of the accounts are printing the right amount, but show as negative instead of positive. Is there a way to change this?   Read More...