Determining conflicts in a firm is important. PracticeMaster helps make it easy.   Read More...

Do you use Taskbill to send electronic bills? You may have noticed that while many companies accept the LEDES 1998B format, they often require specific modifications in order to accept your bills.   Read More...

Work-in-process reports can provide valuable insight into what can be billed to a client, as well as what will be owed once billed. These Reports provide detailed information about work-in-process transactions, along with client-related information.   Read More...

Do you have a question about the software? Any questions that you want to ask have likely been asked by others as well.   Read More...

If you’re not already using client funds, you may be wondering how to set it up and start using it.   Read More...

KB Corner: Network Troubleshooting Guide

May 2018    Tags:
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A majority of errors and problems that firms encounter result from a failure in their network software or hardware. So how can you tell if it’s a network error, and how do you stop these errors from occurring?   Read More...

Do you manually add every calendar record individually for events that repeat on a regular basis? Save time by using PracticeMaster’s Recurring Dates feature!   Read More...

Is it time to review billing rates? The Client Rate Report allows you print a list of clients, along with their default billing rates.   Read More...