KB Corner: Security Resources

June 2019    Tags: ,
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Making sure your data is secure is top priority. To help you with this, we have a resource that has everything you need in one place.   Read More...

Do you want to get paid faster? Get paid quickly and securely by providing an online payment option to your clients!   Read More...

Have you customized the My Actions page on the Home tab yet? My Actions can be customized to only show the features you use the most, providing quick access to everything you use on a regular basis. If you’re not yet familiar with using or customizing My Actions, let us show you how easy it is!   Read More...

Not only can you easily search for any actions, file, or report in the software via Search Actions, but you can also customize the Quick Launch pane to always show your most used actions and most accessed client matters!   Read More...

We redesigned the Recap of Hours for Version 19, and included it on the new PracticeMaster Dashboard. Want to see how you can take advantage of this great feature?   Read More...

Did you know that if you use ProPay to process credit cards in Tabs3, you can now send a link to your clients so they can make a payment without you needing to get their credit card information? Once the payment is made by your client, you can then import those payment records into Tabs3 Billing.   Read More...

Did you know that you can create separate tab groups in the Tabs3 software? Tab groups provide the ability to show two or more Tabs3 windows at the same time. This is especially handy when it’s necessary to compare data.   Read More...

Wondering what all the fuss is over the new look of Version 19, but don’t have time to read up on it? It takes less than two minutes to watch it in action.   Read More...