From time to time, you may need to reduce a client’s outstanding balance, but how can this be accomplished?   Read More...

Feature Article: Statement Notes

November 2016    Tags: ,
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Are there additional notes that you want to add to statements for one or more clients? There are multiple areas in Tabs3 Billing to enter notes that can then be shown on statements for a single client, a group of clients, or all clients.   Read More...

It’s after hours and you’ve run into some trouble printing. Something doesn’t look right, it’s printing off the page, or you need to make just a few tweaks to finish your project. However, you’re not sure what to do. What do you do? Check out the Knowledge Base, of course!   Read More...

You’ve heard about Platinum, but haven’t had time to look into it yet. Now you wonder if your firm should take action now, before it’s too late. You’ve heard the horror stories whispered around the water cooler; you try to shake off the cold chill as you walk back to your desk – is that just air conditioning, or premonition? The following stories wend their way through your thoughts for the rest of the day…   Read More...

Have you ever wondered how to make your statements stand out to clients? Have you wanted to add additional fields to your statements? You can do both by using Statement Designer! Statement Designer enables you to design custom letterhead, cover letters, statements, invoices, and envelopes.   Read More...

Did you know that you can quickly add an image to the top of your statements, such as your firm’s letterhead? You can always use Statement Designer to customize your statements, but if you simply want to use an existing bitmap image, this can easily be added to your statements by selecting the desired bitmap via Print Setup.   Read More...