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Tag: Tabs3 Billing

Spotlight: Writing Off a Client

August 2018    Tags: ,
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Did you know that you can write off all or a portion of a client's accounts receivable balance? When a write off is performed using the Write Off Client program, a special write off record is created and stored in the client ledger file for audit trail purposes and adjustments are made to receipt allocation records.   Read More...

Do you use Taskbill to send electronic bills? You may have noticed that while many companies accept the LEDES 1998B format, they often require specific modifications in order to accept your bills.   Read More...

We are pleased to announce that we have selected ProCirrus as our Preferred National Cloud Hosting Partner. Hosting providers like ProCirrus can make managing your technology much easier.   Read More...

Did you know that there are several ways of filtering your reports and statements so that you only see the data you want to see?   Read More...

Do you have a question about the software? Any questions that you want to ask have likely been asked by others as well.   Read More...

Effective immediately, we have reduced the monthly subscription plan rates for our Platinum SQL levels of Tabs3 and PracticeMaster software by 20%.   Read More...

Spotlight: Report Suites Save Time

May 2018    Tags: ,
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Creating report definitions for each of the reports your firm runs can help save considerable time, and taking advantage of Report Suites in Tabs3 saves even more time. When your firm prints the same set of reports every year, quarter, month, week, or semi-regularly, report suites offer a one-step option to printing out a predefined set of reports using the report definitions you already have set up.   Read More...

When you need to send a statement to two different parties, what do you do? With Tabs3 Billing, you can automatically generate a duplicate statement by adding an Additional Bill To Address.   Read More...

Is it time to review billing rates? The Client Rate Report allows you print a list of clients, along with their default billing rates.   Read More...